Let's do it! Ireland here we come

 I can't believe we are actually doing this! 

I think I have everything but the kitchen sink in there 😜
Here is the plan for our journey:

I am hoping that the weather stays nice, we plan to see as much as we can! The trick will be to keep the little one occupied during long drives and we also don't want her to look at a screen the whole way there! Another challenge will be to find activities that will be suitable for both the toddler and her nearly teen-age brothers, who are getting into this lovely 'I'm bored' stage and are mostly 'too cool' for doing things with us. So let's see how this goes! 

We are starting off easy: our friend's house in Co. Kildare so we have all the luxuries on hand: beds, shops near by and a washing machine 😄.
So far so good, just like home but a pleasant change of scenery.
Sometimes it can be tricky for toddlers to accept change in their surroundings or routine. When they experience new things their sense of security may be a bit shaken. This is completely normal. Our little one decided to have few accidents, even though she has been fully toilet trained for over a year now. She wet herself 3 times in one day. It was her way of communicating her insecurity and discomfort in this new and unfamiliar place. This is quite common in toddlers so prepare a few spare pairs of underwear! It will pass when you establish a new holiday routine.


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